Welcome to the Tabernacle 2017

Tabernacle Kindergarten

The Tabernacle URC featured a school room ever since it was rebuilt in 1867. The Sunday School was a central part of the church up until the 1960’s. We are now lucky enough to have a Kindergarten operating from the church which returns education, inspiration and the play of young children to the life of the church.

Education is an important part of our future and we encourage school visits to our heritage programme and organise events such as our St Davids day celebrations for groups of children. 

The original Victorian school room has fallen into a state of disrepair however this will be restored and used to give future generations a hands on connection with their past.  

Our involvement with the Kindergarten has enabled us to achieve the considerable funding for the extension build and other modernising within the building owing to the Kindergarten’s involvement with the Communities First and Flying Start Programmes.

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